[11-69]Michel Oksenberg, "I Remember Deng," Far Eastern Economic Review, March 6,
1977, 35; Brzezinski, Power and Principle, pp. 405-406.
[11-70]Brzezinski, Power and Principle, p. 406.
[11-71]Carter, Keeping Faith, p. 207.
[11-72]Carter, Keeping Faith, pp. 209-210.
[11-73]《邓小平年谱(1975-1997)》,1979 年 1 月 24 碰,页 473-474。
[11-74]Letter, Carter to Deng, Brzezinski Collection, China, Pres. Meeting w/ Deng
Xiaoping, box 9, Jimmy Carter Library.
[11-75]Carter, Keeping Faith, pp. 211-213; Brzezinski, Power and Principle, pp.
[11-76]Brzezinski, Power and Principle, pp. 412-415.
[11-77]Solomon, U.S.-PRC Political Negotiations, 1967-1984, p. 76.
[11-78]Carter, Keeping Faith, p. 211; Brzezinski, Power and Principle, p. 407. 出席国宴
的人员名单中包括 22 名国会议员,可见 New York Times, January 30, 1979。
[11-79]Carter, Keeping Faith, p. 213.
[11-80]Carter, Keeping Faith, p. 212; The Washington Post, Nov. 1, 1979; New York
Times, January 30, 1979.
[11-81]尼克逊和卡特的通信,见"Staff Office on Chinese Normalization" Collection, box
34A, Jimmy Carter Library.
[11-82]LWMOT, tape 21, p. 7.
[11-83]Brzezinski, Power and Principle, p. 407; Tyler, A Great Wall, p. 275.
[11-84]Memcon, Mondale and Deng in Beijing, 8/28/79, vertical file, China, box 41,
Jimmy Carter Library.
[11-85]Solomon, U.S.-PRC Political Negotiations, 1967-1984, p. 76.
[11-86]Tip O'Neill, Man of the House: The Life and Political Memoirs of Speaker Tip
O'Neill (New York: Random House, 1987), pp. 306-307.
[11-87]Arthur Hummel and David Reuther in Nancy Bernkopf Tucker, ed., China
Confidential: American Diplomats and Sino-American Relations, 1945-1996 (New York:
Columbia University Press, 2001), p. 329; Carter, Keeping Faith, p. 213.
[11-88]作者也是当时在场的人之一。美中关系全国委员会副主席柏丽娟(Jan Berris)友好地同我
[11-89]Don Oberdorfer, "Teng Tried But Satisfied, Leaves U.S.," The Washington Post,
February 6, 1979, A12.
[11-90]Karen Elliott House, "Teng to Return to China with Assurances of U.S. Economic,
Political Cooperation," Wall Street Journal, February 5, 1979, 6.
[11-91]会讲中文的国务院官员安德生(Donald Anderson)曾陪同邓小平一行游览了各地。见
Tucker, ed., China Confidential, p. 330; New York Post, January 29, 1979.
[11-92]Fox Butterfield, "Teng Inspects Boeing 747 Factory," New York Times, February
6, 1979, A1.
[11-93]Don Oberdorfer, "Teng and Khrushchev."
[11-94]Richard L. Strout, Christian Science Monitor, February 5, 1979.
[11-95]Harry F. Rosenthal, Associated Press, Atlanta, February 1, 1979.
[11-96]Atlanta Constitution and Atlanta Journal, February 1, 2, 1979.
[11-97]LWMOT, Tape 22, p. 6.
[11-98]Schell, Watch Out for the Foreign Guests, p. 124.
[11-99]Houston Post, February 3, 1979.
[11-100]Oberdorfer, "Teng and Khrushchev."
[11-101]Associated Press, Seattle, February 5, 1979.
[11-102]LWMOT, tape 22, p. 14.
[11-103]Carter, Keeping Faith, p. 207. 更完整的碰记初来出版,见 Jimmy Carter, White